Kairos 2020 Class Update

Welcome to Kairos 2020! So far it has been a really exciting year, and it looks like it is going to just keep getting better! Back in the second week of September, Kairos welcomed four students: David Fluth, Peyton Ihne, Allyson Pooler, and Corrine Schomer. We also have two interns, Alice Olson who is a 2019 alumni, and, brand new to the program, Trenton Pixomatis. We are so excited to be working and growing with this group, and we have already been blessed to see growth in our students right off the bat. 

We started the year with an overnight stay at Camp Shamineau. Our time there was spent doing orientation, team building exercises, and get-to-know-you-games. This day-and-a-half kickoff was followed by a few days of classroom time back at the Kairos building where the students learned about the spiritual discipline of worship. 

The following week, we went to the North Shore and did plenty of hiking, made “hobo dinners” and “pudgie pies,” and made memories around the fire. During this trip, the staff and interns had the opportunity to give teachings on different spiritual disciplines in order to provide some practical applications for our students to start off the year right. We all had the opportunity to listen to each student’s life story and how they got to Kairos. It was a great week to give foundational truths and take the status of “acquaintance” to “friend.” It was amazing listening to how God has been working in their lives and how he brought them all to Kairos through unique situations and events. 

After the excitement of the North Shore trip, we came back to the Twin Cities to settle into a regular routine. We love the rhythm of consistent times of worship, intercessory prayer, teaching, small groups, Bible discussions, and work projects. Of course, there is a lot of fun that happens too!

So far, the students have learned about worship, spiritual foundations and formations, biblical theology, hermeneutics, and the Old Testament. Through this time, they have had opportunities to grow in knowledge and ask questions about hard topics they may have never spent time thinking about before this season. Watching the students who hail from different spiritual backgrounds discuss and engage in these topics that either remind them of Truth or increase their knowledge about the Truth is one of the greatest parts of being here in this season. 

The students have also really grown close together as a family unit. They engage in meaningful conversations and activities with each other and are making memories that will hopefully last their entire lives. Even though we are only a couple months into the program, the change of atmosphere is clearly different than it was when the students did not know each other. We are sure that, come the end of the year, we will all feel like we have known each other our whole lives. The status of “friend” is becoming “family” even this early in the year.

We are so thankful for the students that God has brought to us this year, and we are beyond thrilled to have already seen growth and are anticipating even more to come. In the midst of the chaos of this year, we are reminded every day of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Because we believe He is working in Kairos and in the students, we are confident He will continue to do great things that will ignite the hearts of everyone here to impact us all for a lifetime. 

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