Alumni Stories Collection
Kaila Yim

Last blog post we emphasized that your story matters. We gathered stories from various alumni dating anywhere from the 90’s to 2019 and asked them different questions about their summer experience on Royal Servants, its impact, areas the Lord grew them in, and much more.
Each of these alumni shared a part of their stories and entrusted us with them. We hope these bless and encourage you as much as they did us. Stories can change the world, remember?
Josh Y.: China 2019
“I think God showed me a lot about how to work well with others, learning how to keep a high energy when working with children and opening up and trusting my teammates.”
Anna Christian B.: Costa Rica 2015, Australia 2016
“I grew up in a church where I didn’t know the relationship I could have with God. During training camp I really learned a lot about who God is and what a relationship with Him can look and feel like. That has always stuck with me and changed my whole perspective.”
Madeleine K.: EuroQuest 2019
“Something that made a significant impact on me was learning about God's constant goodness. He never leaves us or forsakes us!!”
Hanah H.: Uganda 2018, Nehemiah 2019
“We always hear about the big life changing moments but sometimes God works in little ways to make a big difference. During my first summer with Royal Servants I learned the importance of looking for God in all things. It might surprise you the number of places you see Him show up. I also learned that if you want to see God work you have to give him the reins.”
Anna S.: Spain 2018
“God is so faithful! Even when we are scared or lack confidence in ourselves, God will always provide. 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control" was a verse that I memorized during the summer and it has stuck with me.
Before Royal Servants, I believed the lie that I was too shy or timid to share the gospel and that other, more extroverted people were better equipped. But! God did not give me a spirit of fear! He has equipped me with boldness and joy to live a life worthy of His calling.”
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