
We are so excited to have traveled with you! You are officially a Royal Servants Alumni! Now that the summer is over we would love for you to stay involved. We are sure that you have had some exciting experiences and stories to tell us and your friends. Check out these resources to continue on your journey.

tell us your story

Share a great memory or story, of your time with Kairos Discipleship School or Royal Servants! We would love for you to tell us your story because YOUR voice, YOUR experience can impact everyone!

share now

Prayers and Records

We would love to hear your stories and know how to pray for you all specifically. Connecting with people, especially loved ones, seems like a significant need for all of humanity these days, so let us know where you are and how you are doing as well!


Update our records

Have you moved? Or, has it been too long since traveling with us? Make sure we have your latest contact information, so please help us update our records!

update us

Post-Summer Quiet Times

Phew… you made it… you are home. Transition is never easy. Your transition home is no different. But that is what these quiet times are all about.

engage now

after your royal servants summer

Congratulations! You’ve just experienced an amazing summer with Royal Servants! Now, here are a few tips for after your Royal Servants mission trip.

What to do with your pack

At Training Camp, you were given a pack to use as your luggage for the summer (unless you already had a Royal Servants-issued pack). A deposit was added to your account to cover the cost of the pack. You can choose to send the pack back to Reign Ministries at the end of the summer and receive the deposit back, or you can keep the pack and surrender the deposit. Packs are due no later than August 31st to be eligible for the refund. Send it in to our headquarters at:

Reign Ministries
5401 W Broadway Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55428

Do you need to be reimbursed for your domestic travel?

To qualify for an expenditure reimbursement, you must have extra dollars in your account once all financial obligations for the mission trip have been met. All reimbursements must be received by the Finance Department at Reign Ministries by August 31. All original receipts must be included with the Reimbursement Form. No checks will be cut for reimbursement prior to a team’s arrival home.

For an expenditure to qualify for reimbursement, it must be purchased specifically for the trip, for the participant specifically (not a parent/guardian accompanying a participant), that a person would otherwise not have, or be required, to purchase. Therefore, articles such as toiletries or eye care are not reimbursable because these items are either non-essential or would be used were the person to remain at home (even if you purchase travel-sized items).

Because of the requirements laid out in the dress code, some clothing items are reimbursable. Please refer to the Reimbursement Form for specific items and maximum reimbursement allowance per item. Full purchase amount will be reimbursed where no dollar amount is listed.

Download the form now >>
Do you need to get a stipend?
(for summer Staff and senior staff only)

Summer Staff and Senior Staff can receive a stipend from their excess funds, less 12% administration fee, following the completion of the mission trip. These dollars must be applied for in writing. The IRS allows those who participate as a Summer Staff or Senior Staff to receive a stipend and consider it wages. If you receive these dollars, you will be required by the IRS to pay taxes on the full amount received. Stipend requests must be received by August 31st.

Download the form now »

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join us again!

Each trip, each summer, is vastly different than the other! We believe you can have another wonderful experience with Jesus, community, and ministry overseas. Join us for another summer or check out our alumni opportunities!