Costa Rica
This trip is not currently active, but don't go anywhere.
Costa Rica is only a three-hour flight from Miami, but you’ll feel the cultural difference the minute you step off the plane. Millions of tourists trek there every year because of its natural beauty, but you’ll be going there to immerse yourself in the culture and get to know the heart of its wonderful people.
Join the story of what God is doing on this mission trip to Costa Rica by partnering with the local church to use soccer and other sports to engage Costa Rican teens with the gospel.
Costa Rica is only a three-hour flight from Miami, but you’ll feel the cultural difference the minute you step off the plane. Millions of tourists trek there every year because of its natural beauty, but you’ll be going there to immerse yourself in the culture and get to know the heart of its wonderful people.
Students 13 - 18
Staff 19+
Ages 15 - 22
As a member of the Royal Servants Costa Rica team, you will join in the work God has been doing through our partnership with a small-town church for more than 20 years. Daily, you will join your team and the church youth group to travel from town to town using soccer and kid's games to engage teenagers and kids with the gospel. If you do not know Spanish, it is not a problem. Members of the Costa Rican youth group will happily partner with you to serve as your interpreter. While a significant percentage of Costa Ricans identify as Roman Catholic, few have a personal saving relationship with Jesus or are active participants in their local church. You get to serve God by calling Costa Rican teens to repentance and faith.

Personal development
Upon landing in Costa Rica, you will travel into the central mountains and into a valley of stunning beauty. Each morning the sun, in all its brilliance, will emerge over the mountains to pour forth its brilliant light upon the coffee plant covered hillsides surrounding the church where you will be living. Daily, you and the team will travel from town to town, engaging the warm and friendly culture of Costa Rica through conversation, great coffee, and fantastic meals of rice and beans. Along the way, you will visit the ruins of some of the oldest churches in Central America and swim in mountain spring-fed streams under serene waterfalls. During debriefing, you will head to the coast to swim in the ocean and zipline through the rainforest.

Team Dynamics
Each day, you will be challenged to read, reflect on, and apply the Word of God in an hour of personal study followed by small group discussion. Your trip leader and small group leader will guide you as you grow in your relationship with God through study, prayer, and intentional missional living. Stepping away from the conveniences and distractions of normal life, which often pulls in many directions at once, your time on your Royal Servants Mission Trip will afford you a season to lean into a healthy and growing relationship with God as a part of a healthy growing community of like-minded believers who are working toward a common goal all trip long. Do not miss this opportunity to know God more and make Him known to the nations.
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the royal servants experience
While every Royal Servants Trip is different, there are some things that never change.
From Training Camp to debriefing, every aspect of our ministry is focused on discipling our students. Through small group discussions, large group teachings, and an extensive debriefing process, we want to ensure your student is not only emotionally prepared for a summer overseas but also that they are prepared to apply what they learn in the summer to their life at home.
It is important for our teams to start with a solid foundation before they embark overseas. At Training Camp, you will begin building relationships with your team, learn how to share the Gospel, and prepare for what life will look like overseas. You will leave Training Camp ready to face any challenge that may come your way.
Over the course of the summer, you will experience how transforming life in Christian community can be. Through daily quiet times and small group discussions, you will deepen your relationship with God. Through outreach, you will gain new understanding of God's heart for the world and the Church. Through being in community, you will learn how to love those around you.
After weeks packed full of ministry outreaches, you will transition into a week of debriefing. Going home after an intense summer ministry experience can be challenging emotionally and spiritually. Debriefing is a time of reflection about what you have experienced, seeking wisdom from God, and preparing for the challenges you might face going home.
Throughout the summer, you will hear teachings on foundational Christian truths. Our biblical worldview is best described as historic Christianity, and we teach from a traditional perspective on morality and values that the church has held for over 2000 years. Refer to our Statement of Faith and make sure we are the right fit. On everything else, we encourage students to seek answers from their parents and local church community.
Royal Servants takes the safety and health of each participant seriously. We go to great lengths to ensure participants remain healthy and safe throughout the trip.
Therefore, no participant is allowed to be alone in any city; Royal Servants always travel in groups of three or more, and when possible, with either a male or Summer Staff in each group. The Trip Leaders also continually monitor conditions within the host country before and during the trip. The team will be moved to a stable location if a situation threatens the team's security, whether from political or environmental conditions.
Royal Servants mission trips are led by Reign Ministries’ staff, not part-time volunteers. Our staff care deeply about students and see leadership as a privilege. Each staff member is intensively trained on how to connect with and lead students. They are fully engaged in every aspect of the mission trip, whether being involved in ministry, leading Bible studies, or just hanging out building relationships. They are intentional to ensure that each student is discipled beginning at Training Camp and through debriefing prior to returning home.
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