Frequently ASked Questions

How do I choose the right trip for me?

Some students feel a very clear call or desire to go on a specific trip. Most, however, simply want to go on a mission trip and are content with a region versus a particular country. For instance, they want to go to Africa but it doesn’t matter if it’s to Kenya, Uganda, or Morocco. 

Sometimes the most important step is deciding to go, but here are four simple steps that may help in the decision making process. 

1. Read through each trip’s description on the website. Do any of the locations excite you? Does the ministry narrative for any of the trips feel like a right fit? Urban myth alert: Just because you may want to go to a specific location doesn’t mean you’re being selfish and that trip is disqualified for you! God often uses your heart’s longings and desires to motivate you to get involved. 
2. Seek wise counsel from someone who knows you well and is willing to speak truthfully and help you discern God’s direction. 
3. Pray! And don’t neglect to ask those you trust to join with you! 
4. If, at the end of step three you still don’t know where to go, the final step is to simply pick a trip. God’s heart for His people is to proclaim the Gospel, and you will do that regardless of the trip you are on. 

Do I have to speak a foreign language?

No, you don’t. Many of the people we come into contact with speak English, and we often work hand-in-hand with local church members who are bilingual. Some trips use an interpreter to help participants share the Gospel, but it is always amazing to see God work in people’s lives despite the language barrier. But, Royal Servants is a great way to use any language skills you have.

What if I don’t know how to share my faith?

That’s okay, we are going to help you with that! Many people don’t feel confident in sharing their faith, and we set aside significant time at Training Camp to help you. We’ll teach you how to use our “Join The Story” booklet and to weave in your personal testimony, which will help you comfortably and effectively share your faith story with others overseas. You’ll leave your mission trip with a new confidence and knowledge in how to share your faith back home.

Is Training Camp mandatory?

Yes, Training camp is so important that you are required to participate. Besides all the practical and spiritual preparation, it forms the foundation for everything that you’ll be doing and experiencing the rest of the mission trip. You’ll leave Training Camp feeling more than just part of a team; you’ll be part of a supportive “family” whose care and appreciation for each other will communicate the love of Jesus to everyone you encounter!

What is a typical day like overseas?

Schedules will vary each day and from team to team. There is no real “typical” day. However, there are consistencies that you will experience. In between meals, you will have ministry, devotions, and prayer on a regular basis. Many days will incorporate teaching, small group time, and worship.

Each trip’s ministry reflects the unique needs of the location. Read through each trip’s description or look through past blogs for a better idea as to what a “normal” day looks like at that location. If you still have questions after that, we recommend you contact the Royal Servants office for any additional details that may be available.

Are those who hear the Gospel followed up with?

Most of our teams are working directly with local churches or missionaries who follow up with those you may share your faith with. An exception is the Europe mission trip, which often witnesses to the many tourists who wander the major cities throughout Europe. However, we do encourage the people we speak with to connect with a local church when they go home.

What denomination is Reign Ministries?

Reign Ministries is a non-denominational organization serving Christian denominations and churches. Check out our statement of faith and feel free to call with more specific questions.

How do I get to and from the mission trip?

Domestic travel to and from the mission trip is not included in the cost of the trip. It will be your responsibility to plan and pay for it. In April, we will send you an Updated Mission Trip Schedule that will include all of the dates, times, and information you’ll need in order to arrange your domestic travel. 

You can either fly or drive to the meeting destination. If driving, you can go to our meeting location in the Chicago area or directly to Training Camp in Pardeeville, WI. Either way, you will need to be dropped off because we do not have parking available. If you plan to fly to Chicago, you can arrive at either O’Hare or Midway airports. After the mission trip, you will need to arrange to be pick-up at O’Hare or make flight arrangements to depart from there. More information will be provided at a later date.

When can I book my domestic travel?

Anyone flying to or from Chicago, IL needs to wait to book their flights until they receive the Updated Mission Trip Schedule, along with other travel forms, that will be sent to you in April after return times for international flights are confirmed and will not change.

Do I need a passport?

Yes. If you do not already have a passport or need to renew yours, we recommend applying for one right away as current return times can take up to 12 weeks. Some teams will need a current passport before we book the international flights at the beginning of May. See the Passport Visa Information Form for more details.

Do I need a visa, and how do I apply?

All the trips that require visas will be listed on the Passport Visa Information Form. If your trip requires a visa, we will send you instructions on how to apply in late April or early May. Some countries require lodging and flight information, so it is important to wait to hear from Royal Servants before starting any visa applications. If you already have a current visa for the country you are going to, please let us know.

If my trip requires a visa, is that cost included in my trip cost?

No, this is an additional out-of-pocket cost. However, you can be reimbursed for it if you raise an amount over the cost of your trip. See the Reimbursement Form for more details.

What if I have a food allergy?

Royal Servants can accommodate most, but not all, food allergies. We have strong protocols in place to prevent cross-contamination for those who have a peanut allergy, Celiac Disease, or are gluten-intolerant. If you have Celiac Disease or maintain a gluten free lifestyle, you will be required to raise an additional amount to cover the cost of purchasing alternative food items. The exact cost will be communicated to you in May.

Please note that there are ministry destinations that limit our ability to meet the needs of allergic individuals, and there are food allergies that we are not able to accommodate. Please contact us for more information and to find out if the trip you've chosen is right for you and if we are able to care for your health needs.

What if I have a health condition that limits my activities or requires medication?

It is important that you fill out the Health History form as thoroughly as possible. Royal Servants makes its mission trips accessible to as many individuals as possible and makes adjustments to enable those with health or disabilities to participate, yet there are limitations to what we are able to facilitate. Therefore, if you have a physical or mental health condition that may limit your ability to fully and safely participate on a mission trip, please contact us. Additionally, if after receiving your Health History form we have cause for concern, we will contact you and discuss options that will be best and safest for you.

Can I bring my CBD oil on this trip?

Due to varying state and international restrictions, participants are not permitted to bring, possess, or consume any form of recreational or medicinal cannabis, including oils, pills, edibles, etc. This includes, but is not limited to, products containing THC, any derivative or synthetic form of medical marijuana, and/or CBD oil.

Should I send in my vaccination records?

Unless specifically stated, please do not submit to Royal Servants the names and/or types of vaccinations you receive. Simply fill out and sign the Vaccination Form. Be sure to fill out the correct side and initial all applicable places. Please note: guardians must sign if the participant is under 18.

Can I request an exemption to vaccinations?

Royal Servants does allow participants to be exempted from certain vaccinations. Please contact us to make sure that if you choose this option it is reasonably safe to travel to your intended ministry destination. Some countries require specific vaccinations before allowing travelers to enter. The exemption request is found on the back side of the Vaccination Form.

What if I had a physical before September 1?

Royal Servants requires participants to get a physical after September 1 of the year prior to travel. If you had a physical before that date, contact us to see if it is eligible to use. If, for various reasons, you had a physical after September 1, simply bring the enclosed Physician Form to your doctor and ask that they fill it out based on that examination. Royal Servants requires the Physician Form we provided be signed; no other form or copy will be accepted.

What if the country I’m signed up for becomes unsafe?

Depending on when a country is determined unsafe, whether due to disease, natural disaster, or political unrest, one of two decisions will be made. First, if the trip is two or three months away, in all probability Royal Servants will cancel the mission trip and offer participants to be reassigned to new teams.

However, if international tickets have been purchased and the team is at, or about to arrive at, Training Camp, we will seek to reassign the entire team to a new location within the same geographical location. For instance, in 2014 the Sierra Leone mission trip was reassigned to Burkina Faso while the team was at Training Camp because of the Ebola outbreak.

If a situation arises that threatens the security of the team while in-country, either politically or from environmental conditions, the team will be moved to a stable location.

What is included in the cost of the mission trip?

The cost of each mission trip includes:
  - International Airfare
  - Ground Transportation (domestic and international)
  - Accommodations
  - Equipment
  - Food
  - Cultural Experiences
  - Training Camp
  - Administrative Costs (leadership, office, office supplies, phone, postage, insurance, recruiting, trip development).

Each participant must also send in a designated amount of spending money that is not included in the price of the mission trip.

Some additional costs for you to consider may be obtaining a passport, domestic travel related expenses (flights, baggage fees, etc.), visa, medical expenses, pack deposit ($65), trip specific supplies, or travel insurance upgrades. Most trip related expenses can be reimbursed if you raise extra funds.

Is Training Camp included in the dates and costs for the summer?


When are funds due?

The final deadline that all funds must be in your account is the Wednesday during student week of Training Camp. More information about deadlines is communicated in the Prep Packet.

What if I don’t raise enough funds?

All funds for your mission trip are due during student week of Training Camp. If you are unable to raise the funds by that time, you have a couple of options. First, the remaining balance can be paid with a credit card. Second, a “hold” for the remaining balance can be put on a credit card until July 7th. This allows additional time for support to come in. If the funds do not arrive by that date, the card will be charged for the remaining balance on the account. Those who do not have sufficient funds in their account or provide a credit card to cover any deficit will not be allowed to continue to participate on the mission trip. Read the complete cancellation policy in the Preparation Packet booklet.

Will I receive support dollars back if I don't end up going on a trip?

Contributions raised for a Royal Servants mission trip are non-refundable. If you cancel your trip, the financial guidelines are as follows:

Support (less penalties and costs already incurred) can be transferred to another student or Summer Staff to be used for the same year. Please note: funds cannot be transferred to Reign Ministries’ staff members.

Support (less penalties/costs already incurred) can be held over for one year and used by the original participant or by an immediate family member toward any Royal Servants mission trip.

If I raise too much support, can I get a refund?

Participants may not receive a direct refund, but three options are available:

Reign Ministries can hold extra support in an account to be used the following year.
Extra support can be transferred to another participant or team member who may be short of funds.
Extra support can be used to get reimbursed for specific items directly related to your mission trip.
These items include domestic airline ticket, international travel insurance, sleeping bag, etc.

Can I bring less or extra spending money on my Royal Servants trip?

No. The required spending money is sufficient for personal needs during the trip as well as a little extra to purchase gifts for family and/or friends. Having the same amount for each individual eliminates financial inequalities among team members as well as reduces the distractions that can occur when "shopping" becomes a focus. We want the focus to remain on the mission, not the money.

Can I raise extra funds if I'm in college or am an adult and missing work opportunities?

Yes, you can. If you are a Summer or Senior Staff member (or nanny that is 18 or older), you can raise extra dollars above and beyond the cost of the mission trip. The extra funds can be reimbursed (minus 12% administration fee) as a stipend, which is allowable by the IRS when an adult is volunteering their time in a non-profit organization. Please contact Reign Ministries for additional details.

Please note: This program is NOT available for students.

How old must I be to go on Royal Servants mission trips?

Students must be 13 years old before September 1st to participate. Summer Staff need to be 19 and be out of high school for at least one year. Those who are 18 and have graduated high school will need special permission to participate as a Summer Staff from the Trip’s leader.

When are registrations due?

Trips typically begin to fill toward the end of April, and the deadline for Summer Staff and student registrations is due two weeks prior to the beginning of Training Camp. Although registrations are accepted up to the deadline dates, we cannot guarantee space on your first choice of mission trip. 

Important note: Royal Servants is required to purchase international airline tickets beginning around May 1st, at which time you must have funds available to pay for the ticket. To delay the purchase, or if you apply for a team after tickets have been purchased, the cost of the flight may increase and space on the flight may not be available. Please call Reign Ministries for further information.

I’ve already submitted my registration, but I want to switch trips. What do I do?

Just email us! As long as the trip you want isn’t full (which usually happens in April) and we haven’t booked international flights yet, switching trips is a pretty simple process.

Can a mission trip fill up before I register?

Yes, we do have mission trips that fill up. Therefore the earlier you submit your registration and start to raise your support, the better your chance of being on your first choice team.

If the trip I want fills up or is cancelled, will I automatically be switched to my second choice trip?

No, if that happens you will receive an email and/or phone call from a Royal Servants staff member to discuss your options.

How do I know if my registration has been accepted for Royal Servants?

You will receive an email confirming your acceptance once Royal Servants receives a completed registration form, the registration fee, and your church reference (the church reference form is automatically sent out when you submit your registration). If you do not receive an acceptance email after more than a week, please contact us. Delays are often due to our not receiving a church reference and, in rare cases, a registration may not have been submitted properly. However, if there is difficulty with processing your registration, we will email you right away.

Once acceptance is confirmed, you will be sent a role specific Royal Servants Prep Packet.

When are forms due?

Each form will have a due date listed on the right side of the page. You can also refer to the Reference Sheet included in your Prep Packet Folder or Prep Packet booklet. Be sure to keep careful note of whether the form can be emailed back to us or needs to be physically mailed with signatures.

I lost one of my forms, so how do I get a new one?

You can either email or call us to request one. Or, you can download a new form.

Still have questions?

Fill out a contact form and we will get back to you shortly

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