A group of Royal Servants on a rope bridge in Nepal.

College Students

As a Summer Staff member, you’ll use your skills, strengths, and giftedness to serve alongside your team’s leadership to help provide support, encouragement, and guidance to the students on your mission trip.

Mission trips for College students


As Summer Staff, you’ll be taught the fundamentals of servant leadership and learn the importance of developing community. You will be critical to the success of the trip by being fully engaged in the body-life of the team, training the students, and helping establish them spiritually.


Responsibilities may include facilitating a small group, leading students in team tasks (possibly meal preparation), and/or assisting the Leadership Team in roles like social media, photography, and logistics such as shopping for team supplies. Often it will be a combination of these and other ministry assignments.


During Staff Training, you’ll collaborate with your team’s leadership to determine the role that is right for you based on your experience, skills, strengths, and comfort level. Role-specific training will prepare, equip, and develop your leadership skills and teach you the fundamentals of life-on-life discipleship. Your trip leaders will be beside you every step of the way!


Summer Staff are an essential part of each team. Everything you do is a point of contact in which to build a relationship with students, whether in ministry, writing a blog, or preparing dinner together. Everyone will be challenged, learn, and grow together, which God will use to transform a group of individuals into a team family.

Spiritual Growth

You take your faith journey seriously, and so do we. You will spend daily time in personal devotions, learn essential biblical truths from dynamic teachings, and engage in prayer in new and heartfelt ways not only to nurture a stronger conviction in what you believe, but to increase and expand your confidence in why you believe.


Because of the focus on foundational biblical teaching, memorizing the Word, practical leadership training, and much more, you’ll walk away having learned life-giving lessons about yourself, your relationship with Christ, and how to live in a healthy Christian environment. Your experience will be much more than just a mission trip.