The Transformational Act of Communion In Alaska

I am not a writer. My sentence structure is not great, and don’t get me started on commas. That’s why I always have people check and edit my writings and blogs. I am always in awe of people who have the gift to write with such creativity. It’s just not me. This blog may not be well-written, but it comes from my heart. It’s the raw emotion and heart I am currently feeling.

This afternoon, as our students work on their individual and team reports, I am planning our time of communion and foot washing for tomorrow night. It’s a time to wrap up the summer and send them out.

As I read through the passage of Jesus breaking the bread and sharing the wine, I was overcome with emotion. I began to have tears streaming down my face. This has never happened before. These are passages that I have read countless times as a pastor, but I’ve never fallen apart in tears. In this moment, the Holy Spirit gripped my heart as I was reminded of the sacrifice our Savior made for us. Words do not do justice to recognize what Christ did for us on that cross.

I then moved to the Book of John. Here, we find the passage of Jesus humbling himself as a servant and washing his disciples’ feet. Again, I was deeply moved as I thought of my Jesus modeling what it means to serve. What an amazing God we have! His love is so great that he can’t love us any more than he does right now. We have a God who is always with us. He is not distant or far off. He is right here with us. That’s the God that I want to follow. That’s the God that I have devoted my life to serve. He is ALWAYS worth it!

So now I am wrapping up our communion time. My prayer is that each student will forever be changed by God’s amazing work in their lives. They have all been challenged this summer, and I have witnessed firsthand the work of Jesus in each of their lives. I have watched some amazing students step out of their comfort zones and initiate a conversation with a complete stranger in hopes of sharing the Gospel. I watched as a student who didn’t think they could memorize scripture hid more verses than they could imagine in their heart. Another student shared just last night how God had helped her remove a big idol in her life. There are so many other stories of God’s goodness this summer. I love serving in this ministry. Working with these amazing students is a wonderful privilege. 

The last thing I will be doing for our communion service is closing with three songs. These songs are to be an encouragement and prayer over them. The message found in these songs is as follows:

  1. God is holding on to each one of them. He will never let them go. God is always with them. His love knows no bounds.
  2. We need to see people through God’s eyes. There are so many who are lost or hurting.
  3. We need to live for Jesus and surrender to His leading in our lives. 

Thank you, God, for a great time of ministry in Alaska and for the wonderful students who love you and are seeking you. May this truly be a summer of service that leads to a lifetime of ministry. 

Scott Anderson

Alaska Trip Leader

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