Costa Rica Team Update 7.18.23
Matt Swanson

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of week two and are about to enter into our third week of ministry here in Cachi. Cachi truly feels like home at this point. Our team is well acquainted with the bakery across the street from our church and the ice cream shop just up the hill as well as with the members of the youth group that join us for ministry most days to serve as interpreters. Our lead interpreter is a high school senior named Santiago. As member of the church in Cachi, Royal Servants have been a part of Santi’s church experience his entire life, and now he is getting the chance to serve alongside the team.
During our second week of ministry, the team traveled to five different communities to engage in street evangelism. On Wednesday, we were in a very small community, but a large number of elementary children had come out to play games and hear the Gospel message shared. We had finished our Gospel drama and had nearly finished having small group conversations about the meaning behind it. Pastor Alfonso’s wife, Grace, jumped in with one of the groups to help the team share the Gospel. While Grace was sharing, Kaylee, one of our Reign Staff, noticed that Grace was using a foldable cube with different pictures on it to share the Gospel. When Grace had finished, Kaylee was asking her and Pastor Alfonso about the visual Gospel tool she had been using. But while Pastor Alfonso was explaining it to Kaylee, they noticed a boy, probably in late elementary school, was listen and watching intently. They called him over, and Pastor Alfonso walked him through the Gospel using this cube. That afternoon, the boy prayed to commit his life to serving and following Jesus. It was one of the sweet divine appoints that God provides. We did not plan it, but God brought it to be. Praise God!
Friday, we spent the day in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. We spent the morning doing street evangelism in one the city’s central plazas. We praise God for the boldness and intentionality of our team and the Costa Rican interpreters as they had Gospel conversations with everyone in the plaza. During the afternoon, the team had a little bit of time to explore the downtown shopping area and get some souvenirs from the artisan market. On Saturday morning, we had a big soccer game against a local club team. Our team pulled out a 5-4 victory after the opposing team tied the game late. The team had a blast in a very competitive match. Sunday, we enjoyed church and a quiet afternoon. Late Sunday afternoon, we were back at the indoor soccer field for another futsol tournament. Unfortunately, we did not win either of our games, but it was great to back on the indoor field playing together with so many of our friends from church.
This week, our ministry changes significantly. School is back in session for the Ticos, and we will be serving in English classes for four days to help students with their conversational English and to share the Gospel. It is a great privilege to be invited into public schools and be given the opportunity to share the Gospel, and it is a privilege we do not take lightly. Please be praying for our students as they are leading activities and conversations in the classroom. Pray that the Gospel would be faithfully communicated and that we would maintain a good relationship with the schools so that we could continue to minister in these schools for years to come.
For the Costa Rica Team,
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