Eid and Good Deeds

Today marks the first of three days of Eid here in Morocco. Its a holiday that holds holds a similar place in the lives of Moroccans that Christmas does to us in America. All the stores are closed, streets and parks are empty, and families are home celebrating together. The holiday starts by sacrificing a sheep, and preparing it for 3 days worth of meals, and sharing with the poorer people in the community. This morning, as we walked to our outreach location to put on a VBS for “worker” families, the streets were empty except for people walking sheep home, some skins and entrails thrown next to the dumpsters and trash cans, butchers for hire hanging out on the corners knives in hand, and sheep hanging out in waiting on most patios, rooftops, and balconies. Pretty wild cultural experience!

Our days have been moving by fast and have required nonstop flexibility. The outreach has been rich and exciting, but has come with some barriers. Our students seem to really love the people and culture here, but we find ourselves coming to the part of the trip where some of the novelty is wearing off and patience is being tested. But what’s sweet about that is this is where the ministry becomes real. To keep going, to keep sharing the gospel and loving the people of Morocco, requires some genuine love. Not a romanticized, rose colored, naive kind of love, but a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love. Which means the message they share starts to become more powerful and compelling, because it’s more authentic than ever. It doesn’t feel as fun for the students, but I love to see it happening!

Our VBS program is up to 19 worker kids now! Our prayer walks have covered many miles of the city, our students have been meeting with and developing friendships with the Moroccans and are having active spiritual conversations, and we’ve been continuing to invest in the poorer people living on the street. Our times of worship and intercession have been outstanding, and we’ve become a few worker families’ go to babysitters for this month. In addition to that, starting Monday, we’ll be helping out at a nearby orphanage daily for the next week and a half, helping to fill a volunteer gap there. It’s a significant need at the moment, and we are thrilled to be able to step.

As you are praying for the team, we’d love for you to be praying specifically for good health. Out team has been fighting a cold that’s been making its way around, as well as a stomach bug that seems to be hitting students, one at a time.

Thanks all for your prayers and love from afar! God has been good and is teaching us so much!

Job and the Morocco team.

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