What is My Identity?
Kaila Yim

Who we are matters. How we live out of who we are matters. What we live for matters.
Who are we?
How are we living?
What are we living for?
If we don’t know who we are and whose we are … somebody or something else will tell us.
We are bombarded daily by social media, people, movies, and culture that are trying to tell us who we are, whose we are, how to live, and how to spend our money, time, and resources. They won’t just come out tell us though; they will influence us piece by piece.
What kinds of clothes do we wear? What do we spend our money on? Who do we hang out with? What does our body image look like? Where “should” I be in life by the time I reach a certain age? We take in this information almost subconsciously. But, what is keeping us grounded? What or who is pointing us back to “center?”
1 Peter 1:24 says, “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.”
Everything in this world will fade except for the Word of the Lord. If we’re placing our identity in anything or anyone other than Christ, we’ll have a pretty unstable foundation; people and things are always changing. Who we are in Christ never changes. Only out of this identity are we able to experience life to the full.
So, who are we when it’s all stripped away? How are we living? What are we living for?
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