Kairos in Kenya
Erika Zimmerman

Last February, Kairos went to Kenya to work with <a href="https://www.christianleadersinstitute.org/campus-crusade-for-christ-maurice/">Maurice Agunda who leads DICE Ministries</a> which is a discipleship school similar to Kairos. It was a two week period in which a lot of firsts happened, and Kairos leadership left that trip excited about refining the trip for the following year. Over the last year Kairos leadership spent a lot of time refining our execution of the trip, and on February 3, 2020, we started the process of executing our new plans.
We arrived very late on Tuesday night and began Wednesday morning fulfilling the mission we went to accomplish. We spent that first day developing relationships with the DICE students and staff through ice breaker games and sharing testimonies. For the remainder of the week, we spent time in schools teaching high school students about who Christ is and who He has called us to be. We also went door to door sharing this same message with people we met. Making known who Christ is and who He has called us to be is the mission, not just in Kenya, but in all the world! Exclaim Christ and what He has done, then respond by being transformed by His power.
Throughout the trip, we had deep times of worship and rejoicing in what God has allowed us to do and to watch Him work. Alongside those times we experienced heartbreak as we reflected on the brokenness of the world God created. Throughout our time there, one of the most amazing things to watch was God take the time we had spent in Kairos so far and use it to spread His love and message throughout not just Kenya, but in us also. It was incredible to watch the outworking of our faith happen all around us and in us!
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