Kenya Team Finishing Well

It's so hard to wrap my head around the fact that we will be in the U.S. in seven days. But I can’t think that way as it is really important to stay each day to finish well. We are reminding the students of this as they start saying “Oh, when I get home I am having In and Out and wrestling with my dog”. To which I will usually respond, “Oh yeah well today I am having Oatmeal and will see some dogs that I cannot even think of touching” as we try to lightheartedly keep plugged into what we are here to do. The reality is we have three more days we will be doing ministry in, as well as 6 days of teaching and debriefing, and honestly that is as much as some short summer trips do on their whole trip.

This last week we once again had a full slate of ministry! As I mentioned in last week’s blog we have been moving forward trusting God to fill the gaps in the ministry schedule and He always does. Last Sunday we had already had ministry at Hebron Church scheduled and Semih Kose and Katie Simonson gave their testimonies in the service. Sydney Ross has each week done a great job with organizing the older children’s class as well as helping with our social media while Delaney Kenny who has a huge heart for children has taken great care of the “little nugs” in spite of regular changing of the schedules and responsibilities from the newest church member to the one who originally gave us instruction. Which is fine as we see the same in serving at home and will prepare us for doing the same serving in our churches at home. 

With the High School students I have had Macy Pryde helping me along with Semih and Kaity. Macy has been fun to watch serve as she has such a big heart with the students and will usually be the last one on the bus as she tries to say good-bye to every one of them at the orphanages including the one we went to this past week. While at the Orphanages Amaria Jones shared the gospel with the High School and College age students while handling engaging conversations with them during downtime very well. The orphanage she did that at, Tree House, gave us such a thrill to be at as we found it encouraging to see students being loved on well by a staff that also loved Christ. We did even see a few commit their lives to Christ and please pray that they get discipled well.

This is a big need here in Nairobi as it appears many know of Jesus but few seem to really know Him. With that being said it appears discipleship is really a worldwide problem as we have noticed it in every country we have been able to do ministry in. Without exception, and becoming even more so, is the United States and Canada. Which is why we place such an emphasis on the students with discipleship training so they can come home and do it with their mission field at home, as well as, for the ones on the trip that God will call into full-time missions.

One of the highlights of all our week had to be getting a chance to visit Nairobi National Park and do a safari. We were able to see Hippo’s, Giraffes, Rhino’s, Zebra’s, Ostriches and even a male Lion!

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