Kenya Update 7/21

It seems just like yesterday I was writing my first update. I can’t believe that we have already been in Kenya for 3 weeks now and only have a few days left.

I could not be more proud of how this team has done these last few days of ministry. Yesterday the team spent the day doing door-to-door ministry. What would be nearly impossible and certainly unwelcome in the US was an amazing day of conversations for our team. They bravely walked up to men and women in their shops or outside their homes in order to speak with them about Jesus. What would surprise our students the most would be how welcoming and receptive the Kenyan people would be. They weren’t at all unwelcome, in fact many would receive what the team offered and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

The door-to-door ministry is some of my favorite because I think it allows us to experience one of the greatest cultural differences. It also shows, very tangibly, how generous and warm the Kenyan people are, how even those who may be poor in resources are rich in many other ways that we are not.

Today we started our final day of planned ministry - I say planned, because ministry continues everyday if we look for it. We started the morning with more door-to-door evangelism. Then, we did our first and last “Royal Servants” street ministry. The team walked around the area we would perform, inviting people to come watch. We then, after a team prayer, we ran through a program of puppets, dance, and dramas (we were joined by some of the DICE team in our dramas). Afterward, the team went out to talk about the performance with people who had gathered and to share about Jesus.

I couldn’t think of a better way to end our official ministry here in Kenya. I am just so glad that our time here isn’t up yet. Like I said in the last update, tomorrow we will be visiting the Giraffe Center (where I am personally hoping to be able to kiss a giraffe). Thursday the DICE team will be joining us for both breakfast and lunch. We will spend the day with very little planned other than just hanging out and playing games, enjoying every last moment together. Friday, our plan is to leave the guest house by 4pm–over 7 hours before our flight–hoping that will leave us plenty of time to deal with any “Obama” caused drama. The rumor right now is that they are planning on closing the airport the 2 hours before and after Obama lands. My hope is that we will already be in our terminal by that time. When your student gets home, ask them about Obama beautification in Kenya. It’s been pretty entertaining seeing the lengths the Kenyans are going to prepare for his arrival. Even the Kenyan reporter are teasing their own country about it.

I will try to send out one more update from Kenya on Friday before we leave for the airport to give any last minute details you may need to know. Until then, here are some things a few of our students have to share.

“Coming to Kenya, I never expected to become this close with the Kenyan team. They have been so welcoming and giving to us. Their testimonies amaze me and challenge me. DICE Ministries has challenged me more that I ever thought possible.” - Abi

“This people here in Kenya are so giving and so welcoming. We went out to do street ministry for the first time this past Monday; my sharing partner and I went up to this lady sitting on the sidewalk, making her lunch. I sat down with her and shared the Gospel with her. After our conversation was done, she just offers me her lunch. This is just one example out of many. The people here will offer you their time and their food, they are so generous! I really love it!” - Anna R

“After our street performance today, I struck up a conversation with two ladies standing next to me. I asked if they had been born again. Rosemary, the elder lady, was born again and was excited to see our team. Sharon, the younger lady, wasn’t born again, but she was very interested and open with us. After Megan and I finished presenting the Gospel with Sharon, she prayed to accept Christ! It was also fun to talk with Rosemary about how no matter what church we go to or nationality, we are all one church in Christ. I remember someone on the team praying for divine appointments this morning, and it was so awesome to see and be a part of God’s plan.” - Sarah E.

For the Kenyan Team,
