Last Evening and Travel Days

Hey there friends and families! 

As the team finishes the debriefing process during our last day, we are filled with joy as we have seen God walking with us each step of the way. Though it’s been a summer of change, transition, and unexpectedness, we have been fortunate enough to be drawn into complete dependence on the Lord continually. 

Each summer, the students are expected to memorize multiple passages of Scripture throughout the trip, for them to hide in their heart. It’s been beautiful seeing how each student has been impacted by their memory work. “When we were writing our individual debriefing reports, I realized that I was able to use the Scripture we had memorized and taken to heart,” said Hannah Jane. “It was really cool to see that I could apply it to the things I learned this summer. It strengthened the foundation of my faith and allowed me to make more connections between God’s Word and my life when I was able to speak it from memory.”

As a celebration for completing their final memory tests, the team hiked the Flattop Sunnyside Mountain Trail in Anchorage, AK. After the 1600-foot elevation gain to the peak, the team sat and marveled at the mountains and clouds below. “As we were hiking, I saw God’s beauty and His greatness as we looked at his creation below,” said Elizabeth. “We got to see a moose up close which only showed me more of God’s beauty and it was beautiful seeing so much of what he had made, literally from a cloud at the peak.”

Another significant part of our debriefing process on Royal Servants is to prepare the students for the application of what was learned throughout the trip once they arrive home. Their last few days are packed with teachings, prayer, letters to themselves, and individual and team reports. “It’s important that ministry doesn’t end when the mission trip ends,” said Scott Anderson. “Debriefing helps them continue that process of ministry when they go home.”

During our second day of debriefing, we spent time praising God for all of the wonderful blessings He showed us throughout the trip. “There were so many things that the team prayed for that God answered in ways that we hadn’t even considered,” said Karalynn. ”We had been freezing at night when we were camping in Glennallen and it was a super cool God moment for us to hear that the ministry we were working with randomly offered us 15 sleeping bags for if we were cold, not long after praying about it. It made God feel more real to me.”

Watching this team continually pour themselves out has been incredibly encouraging. They have allowed God to soften and strengthen their hearts over and over. It has been an incredible blessing working with each one of them and seeing the Lord work in each of them as individuals. Friends and families, my hope as each of you read this, is that you would pray alongside our leadership for each of these students to carry what they’ve learned here into their lives at home and that God would continue to reveal Himself to each of them. Thank you for all of your support and prayers. It truly has been incredible to watch this team come together this summer. 

Many Blessings,

Allyson Pooler

Image Captions:

1) Alaska travel day, boarding the plane! (7_30)

1) Final evening of team worship. (7_29)

2) Alaska travel day, boarding the plane! (7_30)

2) Final evening of team worship. (7_29)

3) Alaska travel day, boarding the plane! (7_30)

3) Final evening of team worship. (7_29)

4) Final evening of team worship. (7_29)

6) Final evening of team worship. (7_29)

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