Laundromats and Panning for Gold
Scott Anderson
The Alaska team has a couple of updates along with a brief interview with a member of the Leadership Team.
Image Captions:
Abe and Lizzy doing their devotional together while their laundry washes. (7_27)
Abe washing out the dark dirt from his silt. (7_26)
Amy and Karalynn taking in the views and having fun. (7_26)
Jennifer, Jillian, and Elizabeth seeing a bear up close at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. (7_26)
Laura, Grace, Lily, Jillian, and Karalynn working on their devotionals at the laundromat. (7_27)
Lizzy washing out her silt. (7_26)
Maddie with her water and silt. (7_26)
Scott and Laura beginning the process of taking the large rocks and pebbles out of the silt. (7_26)
Students and summer staff during the second debriefing teaching. (7_27)
Hannah Jane, Scott, Lizzy, and Jillian doing their first pans of silt, looking for gold! (7_26)
Jennifer gently swishing water over the silt. (7_26)
Allyson and a bear pose for a picture together. (7_26)
Amy, Laura, Grace, Lily, Jillian, Karalynn, and Abe getting ready to read their Bibles after they put in their laundry. (7_27)
Elizabeth and Jennifer panning for gold along the creek. (7_26)
Elizabeth with a flake of gold she found while panning! (7_26)
Elizabeth, Scott, Lizzy, and Jennifer looking for silt to pan. (7_26)
Hannah Jane and Lizzy looking for gold in their pans. (7_26)
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