Morocco Update 7.11.22
Job Hammond

We’ve been moving quickly since we arrived almost one week ago. The team dove right into outreach, meeting new friends and sharing the message from our Father. It’s been quite amazing to see how bold they have been, and they are eager for more opportunities to share it.
It’s come with challenges as well. Language barriers, casual rejection, and cultural misunderstandings are all a part of the daily experiences. Not to mention some lingering jet lag and disorientation that comes with international travel.
But I can see the team falling in love with this place already. Mint tea, shawarma shops, amazing pastries, and Couscous Fridays have been a few of the highlights so far. Each day the students have been learning new powerful messages about how to do outreach here, along with lessons from the people themselves on what life is like on the other side of the world, and new perspectives on friendships and family and daily life. It’s all so eye opening.
Tomorrow we head to an orphanage that we’ll be volunteering at regularly for the rest of our time in this city. We’ll also be heading back out to the streets to meet people who are open to the message we have to share, or “fishing” as we call it. Be lifting up the students as each day brings them farther out of their comfort zones and new experiences that will live with them for the rest of their lives. Also thank the Father that the team is healthy and the outreach opportunities have been abundant. This trip is going to fly by before we even know it.
Thanks for your support and for lifting up the North Africa team!
Job and the North Africa team
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