Nehemiah Update 7.14.22

Today, Nehemiah finally got settled. Since leaving Training Camp, the team hasn’t spent more than three days in any location. But we are here for 19 days, and everyone is ready for it. 

Previously, the Nehemiah team had intentional conversations with shopkeepers in Istanbul. Now we are in Dahok, Kurdistan and will move into a new culture and engage in a multi-cultural ministry with Arabs, Muslims, Kurds, Yezidis, Chaldeans, and Assyrians. Several students have responded and shared about the conversations they had in Istanbul and talked about their expectations and excitement for the ministry in the North of Nineveh region. 

Question: What did you like about the intentional conversations Nehemiah had in Istanbul? 

Liena: I liked talking to people and learning about the culture from conversations with them. I think it’s really cool when you get to connect with someone through talking. 

Trent: I liked how these conversations were fully relational and about talking to people and forming relationships, rather than immediately going into the Gospel. I had a few interesting conversations with people who were universalists and Muslims, and it was very interesting to get to know their culture and hopefully spark some curiosity on their part for Jesus. 

Question: What was hard about the conversations in Istanbul?

Trent: It was hard knowing whether people wanted to sell you something or if they actually wanted to talk with you. The second day of ministry was really hard because most of the shops were closed because of a major Muslim holiday. The shops that were open were very busy, so it was very down-to-business, and we didn’t really get into any deep conversations. 

Karalynn: It was challenging when people didn’t speak English or didn’t want to talk to us. But that wasn’t really a challenge, because we would then move on to someone else and know that that wasn’t the right time for that interaction. 

Question: What are you looking forward to about ministry in Kurdistan? 

Liena: I am looking forward to going into the unknown. I honestly don’t know what to expect, so I think that in and of itself is what I am excited for. 

Trent: I have no idea what ministry is going to look like, and that is exciting to me, but I have heard we are doing kids' programming. This is exciting for me because I like working with kids, especially in foreign countries. I am excited to see what is going to happen and where God takes it because I have no idea what is going to occur.  

Question: What do you hope to gain from the experience? 

Liena: I hope to gain a deeper insight into different cultures and a deeper trust and faith in God and growth as a person in leadership and experiences. 

Karalynn: I hope that through the experience I can grow as a person and in my relationship with God.

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