Nepal's Last Week 2024

The last week in Pokhara was one of the busiest ever, which is where we left off last time, however I did not realize what was to come. Our last 3 days there ended up being some of the best even with a fluish-type cold passing through the team. It was great when we had everyone back and healthy enough to do ministry.

The first stop was a new school named San Francisco and we were pleasantly surprised that there were more joyful screaming kids there than we could count. They went crazy over the performances and could not stop dancing. This is where you would think I would interject “in spite of their teachers pleading otherwise” but I can’t, because the teachers were dancing more than the students. Our dance team with Ahna, Saige, Violet and Cassie really knocked it out of the park. Due to this being our first visit we were only able to give a slight introduction to why we were there but we definitely gained ground for next year.

The next school we went to is one that works primarily with students that have been rescued from human trafficking, along with a few local students. In the past couple of years we have not been able to share why we come to Nepal, however this year we were able to be more vocal with the gospel and it went great. The students have to be careful with the local students having the background they do, but they do get some interaction with them. This school is amazing in the work it does helping these
students return to a normal functioning life and it also has a staff that consist of 70% believers.

We are now currently in debriefing back in Kathmandu. Debriefing is actually my favorite part of the trip. It is a bummer do not be doing ministry and I will miss our Nepali friends here! I am not ready to see the team go, although I am sure a few of you parents are ready for them to come home. The reason debrief is my favorite is because I feel like I finally get to spend some relational time with the students. The summer is so filled with planning, meetings, writing blogs, going through pictures and
administration work that I do not get the sense of connectedness with them as I do during debriefing. As well it is a time to prepare them for going home and doing what God has next for them. This really is our goal- to set these guys up for a lifetime of serving. We are thrilled to be able to be the tool God is using for this stage of their development.

This summer is just a start and many of them are nothing like the people they will be even 15 years from now. There is so much more that will need to happen in them as God will be preparing them to be the future of His kingdom in this world. Already we can see some of the abilities starting to come out and I know that
God will continue the work in them for His glory and their maximum potential in this life. My prayer is that they continue to abide in Him and stay grafted in the vine. It is a long journey and I will be forever lifting them up and being available to them as I trust their support system of church, friends and family will be at home.

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