Preparing for Eternity - An Ireland Team Update

*Due to technical difficulties, this blog may have been delayed.

The past two weeks have been very full for the Ireland team. It started a bit memorable with
some new weather experiences at training camp, but we still got off to a quick start with all the
training. Which looked like: learning more in depth about the gospel, prayer, worship and our
story. We spent time preparing for a dance and drama that presents the gospel when
performed. All the students take joy in performing together and practice regularly

Along with learning more about the gospel, the students have been involved with cooking meals,
disciple groups and how to maintain and grow relationships. As I have seen them grow I have
been encouraged by their love for worship, their adoration for each other, how quickly they have
created friendships and how I have seen my discipleship group’s awe for the Lord. It has been
special and rewarding spending time with all the students and getting to know them more.
Before we knew it, we were pulling out of the Royal Servants training camp driveway; and we
began our travels to Ireland. It started with a 3 hour bus ride to Chicago, 7 hour flight to Dublin,
and lastly, a 4 hour bus ride to Derry/Londonderry. Then we made it to the church we are doing
ministry alongside.

Our ministry opportunities this week have been filled with joy and laughter! We are helping run a
kids camp where we play games, eat snacks, dance and sing, make fun crafts and most
importantly share the love of Jesus with the kiddos. One of the girls, Ameila, in my discipleship
group had the opportunity to speak to the 7-11 year olds and she boldly shared the gospel!
Amelia takes any chance to share the good news of the gospel and pray for anyone!

2 Corinthians 4:5
“For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants
for Jesus sake.”

Liney Ramos
Ireland Senior Staff 2024

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