Royal Servants Coronavirus Update
Tom Ives

Dear Royal Servants Participants and Parents,
As you all know, the situation regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19) in the United States and around the world is not good. Unfortunately, it is going to get worse before it gets better. Countries are putting quarantines in place, airlines are grounding planes, and travel advisories are being issued. What does this mean for Royal Servants’ mission trips?
Royal Servants is not going to cancel its program but will continue to send teams of young men and women out on mission trips this summer as planned. Is this a foolish or irresponsible decision? I don’t believe it is.
- The Coronavirus threat is real and should not be minimized. But we must understand that the most significant threat is to two very specific groups of people, the elderly and those with underlying health issues. Dr. Jerome F. Adams, the U.S. Surgeon General stated in a press briefing on Tuesday, March 9th, “Who is at risk? Those over the age of 60…and the average age of death is 80.”
- Dr. Adams continued, “If you are a child or young adult, you are more likely to die from the flu if you get it than from the coronavirus. There is something about being young that is protective.” Data coming out of China and Italy support Dr. Adam’s statement, and other doctors are writing on these statistics as well.
What this means is that if you (as a participant) or your child is healthy, there is nothing to fear from going on a mission trip this summer. Studies show that aside from a mild sickness, they would be safe. Of course, if you (as a participant) or your child has an underlying health issue such as asthma or diabetes, then indeed the risk needs to be looked at.
At this time, emotions are high and many are fearful. But the situation we are in right now is not what it will be like in 3.5 months. For instance, China is already seeing a significant decrease in cases. As large as the Chinese infection rate of 80,904 cases looks on paper, only 19,021 are still active and over 58,000 have recovered.
As a Christian, I believe making hard decisions requires me to look at the whole context of the situation, wisely evaluate the facts, balance my emotions, and prayerfully exercise faith based on where I believe God is leading.
If you choose to go with us on a mission trip this summer, many people, sacred and secular, will question your judgment and think you are foolish. Some well-meaning but misguided individuals may oppose you. However, faith decisions often defy conventional wisdom and are contrary to the world’s values. I believe that canceling our program at this time would be giving into fear. This summer I believe that the Lord is asking us to go forward in faith, with confidence and trust in Him. I hope you will be there with us.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you have.
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