Serving and Growing in Costa Rica
Lindsey Powell

We have an opportunity to serve one another everyday, in life, and especially on a mission trip. Our team does that. It’s in the small ways that makes this ‘family’ come together. At every single meal another teammate is serving the food onto the plate. At the end of the day it’s someone’s turn to sweep the floor. And heart group leaders help do laundry for their friends. We are serving each other the way Christ showed us.
We are grounded in God’s Word. One of the best things about a Royal Servant mission trip is a dedicated hour every single day reading the Bible. This is where the Lord is growing students and building their faith.
After an hour reading scripture, they meet in their “heart groups”. A summer staff or senior staff leads discussion. They grow closer in their relationship with the Lord and each other. It’s an awesome privilege to help other believers. Our prayer is that they continue this when they return home and make more disciples.
In Alex’s heart group is Gracie, Arianna, Bella, Melia, and Lane. Ashley has Nairi, Ava, Jordyn, Clare, and Hannah. And Jerry leads the guys- Lukas, Quaid, Brayden, Caden, and Ephraim.
Ava and Lane serve rice, chicken stew, salad and pineapple to others on the team.
Melia reads the Word on the balcony of the church in Cachi.
Ashley’s heart group meets to discuss what they are learning that day from the Lord.
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