The Fork in the Road
Nichole Anderson

Lord, Speak to Me
I decided to attend Kairos Discipleship School with the hope that I would learn to be the person God intended me to be. That’s why at the start of our second week (the beginning of our camping/hiking trip), I prayed for a breakthrough. I asked God to speak to me in a way that I couldn’t ignore. Caution: Don’t pray this if you don’t want to be uncomfortable. The Lord was faithful and answered my prayer but not before He allowed me to experience discomfort.
The North Shore was gorgeous. We hiked to Gooseberry Falls, on the Split Rock Loop trail, and alongside the shore of Lake Superior. Our focus on this trip was to learn about spiritual disciplines and to get to know one another better. On our hikes, we stopped for teachings and learned practical ways to implement the disciplines we were learning. In the evenings, our group swapped stories, enjoyed long periods of laughter, and experienced intense moments of vulnerability. Through each conversation I had, the Lord helped softened me and made me more and more sensitive to what He wanted to teach me. There were some hard truths (and they keep coming), but the good news is that He is breaking my chains.
My breakthrough was the clarity with which I am now able to view my past choices. I can see where they have brought me, and now I see a fork in the road in front of me (not unlike the many splits on our hiking paths). I must choose. The path to the left is a continuation of the path I’ve already been walking. This is the path of needing to be needed. On this path, I desire that others think I’m exciting, interesting, and likeable. I must come across as strong, so others will seek solace from me. I know see that this path is muddy and dangerous with its false righteousness and self-reliance.
When I look to the path on the right, I’m afraid. However, I know that the Lord is calling me to go down this one. This path leads to a full life completely reliant on Him. Along the way, I will need to accept help from those He sends to encourage me in my walk with Him. They are sent to love and support me. I have found people like this at Kairos. They just want to hike alongside me, not expecting anything in return. Yes, sometimes this will involve getting sweaty, but we all have the same goal, and we are determined to get there together.
As we are now starting to get into a routine with classes and internships, I’m excited because I have peace that God is walking alongside all of us and is meeting each of us where we are at. He is going to continue to transform me and my fellow classmates into the people He wants us to be because He is faithful.
By Kaity Lambeth
Kairos Student
Class of 2020
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