Your Story Matters
Kaila Yim

Stories can change the world.
It can be tempting to keep stories to ourselves - not share the ways in which we saw God at work. It can also be tempting to listen to the lies of the enemy that our story doesn’t matter or our voice isn’t as valuable as this person. We, broken sinful humans, sometimes tend to think more about what other people will say about us rather than what God has already said about us. We can become so consumed with others’ thoughts, opinions, and criticisms that we hold back for fear of what they might think or say afterwards. We’re good at finding the loopholes.
We at Reign Ministries are passionate about YOUR story. We care about all the ways in which God is working in your life, and not only do we get to see parts of that on our summer teams, but we get to hear it about it from you personally. And can I just say, we love it and are so encouraged by you.
For the coming weeks on our social media platforms, we are highlighting stories of impact. These are past participants who have chosen to share their heart, words, experience, and life-change with the rest of the (social media) world. They share deep life experiences, personal areas of growth, wisdom, perspective, and how God met them profoundly in their time with us.
Don’t allow the enemy to silence the story God has given you to share with others.
The Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus at the well left her water jar and went into town to tell people of her interaction with the Messiah. Because of her testimony, many Samaritans believed (John 4:28, 39-42). She had a story to share.
All the earthly rulers and leaders we see in the Old Testament are remembering, sharing, and proclaiming what God had done in the past and what He will do in their future as they make their way to the Promised Land. Joshua specifically reminds the Israelites that not one word of the good promises that the LORD made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass
(Joshua 21:25, 23:14-15). He had a story to share.
Scripture is one big continuous story from Genesis to Revelation, and it has changed and is changing the world. God is changing you through His Word.
Don’t keep it to yourself.
Share it.
It matters.
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