Baboons and more!

Over the last several days our team has enjoyed some fantastic ministry opportunities and also some fun cultural activities.

On Monday, our ministry took us to a Children’s Home where we enjoyed playing and dancing with the children (ages 5 months to 18 years old). The children were so happy to see us, and were blessed to be loved by our students.  We will get another opportunity to visit the same home, and everyone is looking forward to that!

Tuesday - we visited another secondary school and met in small groups with the high school students. Our students love those times as they get to sit and chat with other students their age.

Wednesday was a wonderful cultural day!  We had a very interesting and fun day - visiting a cultural center, where we saw replicas of several traditional tribal living communities of Kenya. It was fascinating and we learned so much.  And then there was the cultural dancing show in which our students got to join in on stage.  This was also the day that we got to see the baboons up close and personal, which was a first for everyone!

On Thursday, we visited a primary school for the second time. It had been a week since we had been there, and the kids at the school remembered many of our team’s names. It was an incredible afternoon of ministry. We had noticed on the first visit that the school was flying an old tattered Kenya Flag on their flag pole. Before going back, we purchased a new flag to present to them. It was truly amazing to see how much that simple gift meant to the kids and their teachers. The Director told us that they had been praying that God would provide a new flag.

Friday was a unique day of ministry that we had not yet experienced. We were able to do some street ministry in the area near the church that we are partnering with while we are here, Green Pastures Tabernacle.

Our students did our dramas, and then shared Christ with adults and kids who were there to watch. A few members of the team had an opportunity to pray with people  who wanted to give their lives to Jesus!

Today (Saturday), we are at a free Medical Clinic sponsored by Green Pastures Tabernacle. Our role is to welcome people from the community as they come; and talk with them as they are waiting to be seen by the volunteer medical professionals. Several members of the team have already been able to have spiritual conversations and to pray with people!

As you can see… It has been quite the week of ministry. Our students are tired - but they are also enthusiastic, motivated, and ready to go for whatever ministry opportunities God has for us next.

Jeff Bell

Kenya Mission Trip Leader

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