Birthday Greetings at a Kenyan Primary School
Jeff Bell
*Due to technical difficulties, this blog may have been a bit delayed.
It is always fun to watch Royal Servants as they visit a school in Africa. The children are always waiting in well organized lines, in their school uniforms, with big smiles, and a greeting. Today, our first visit to a school did not disappoint!
Humble Souls Primary School (Pre-School through Grade 8) gave us a very cool greeting; and then the Head Master asked the team to introduce ourselves.
After Liam introduced himself, we paused to let the children know that it was his 18th birthday. Upon hearing that, they all sang Happy Birthday to Liam! He later shared with me that it was one of his most memorable birthdays.
It was a joy to see our team in action for the first time today. Especially in partnership with the students we are working with herd in Nairobi!
We will visit the same school for another day, and everyone is looking forward to being back there again with the same children.
Kenya Mission Trip Leader
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