Deep Sea Dive

Let's take a deep sea dive into our last week of ministry!

This week we are hosting two kids’ clubs and youth nights with a local church here in Dundonald. The theme for both of the kids’ clubs is deep sea dive, and we sure dove into a busy week of ministry. We are getting to participate in leading over 200 students through learning many amazing lessons about God. We have the opportunity to share Jesus’ love through crafts, singing and dancing, silly games, learn memory verses and even eating biscuits

Here’s an insider from our one and only summer staff, Katie. “Ministry has been pretty busy and fast paced this week. We have been doing two different kids’
clubs and a few youth nights. Ministry has looked like interacting with the kids, asking them more about the story they have been learning and any takeaways. Through the fast paced atmosphere, I have seen the team grow in leadership! It has been special seeing the team show their individual talents in leading the kids and growing outside of their comfort zones. The Lord has been providing enthusiasm and a positive environment to better share the Gospel! We
started the week off lacking in energy and the Lord has provided great excitement throughout the team. There have also been little bits of God showing us that the work we’re doing is important, such as a teenager coming up to us after one of the youth night games and thanking us for being at the church, or a sutdent at one of the kids clubs not wanting to leave her Mom, but being so excited at the next club simply by recognizing our faces. Both little things, but God
has used to remind me that the work we do may seem really small, but can have an impact even after we fly home.”

All in all, our past few days in Dundonald have been eventful and fast paced, and the Lord has been providing us with energy and opportunities to share the gospel. We’re excited to see what God has for us next here in Dundonald and Belfast this upcoming weekend before heading to
Dublin for debriefing to finish out our summer.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV

Liney Ramos
Ireland Senior Staff 2024

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