First Blog from the Kenya Team
Hank Dahl

Leaving training camp and starting on our journey to whatever country we go to is always bittersweet for us Trip Leaders. So many good experiences are had at Training Camp with all the growth that happens amongst our teams and it was no different with this year’s Kenya team. We experienced a great camaraderie with this year’s team that worked so hard to get ready, while enjoying each other in the process, even our laughter became a big part of our make-up. We leave behind friends and in some cases family. Yet we do training camp for a reason and that is to take what we have learned and apply it in the field or even in the journey.
That became evident as along the route we were able to share Christ with an Uber driver in Chicago, Mahoud, who I ask you to pray for, as well as a woman who recognized us as a traveling band of ragamuffins on our way to the mission field. She asked if she could pray with us and then Malachi Unruh asked her if we could pray for her in return.
The bitter-sweetness of leaving training camp behind turned to all sweetness upon our arrival to Nairobi, albeit with a 3:00 AM arrival which followed 2 sleepless nights in the not so comfortable airplane seat.
However the team didn’t show it’s discomfort when they excitedly met Rolex an airline employee who came in on his day off to greet us. Rolex is a believer and a friend of our Kenyan contact Maurice who could not meet us right away due to a curfew due to the pandemic. Soon enough though Maurice, Robert and Saleem arrived to take us to the home we will be staying in for the entire month, the Garden house. Honestly it is the nicest accommodations I have ever experienced in my 14 summers with Royal Servants.
Upon arrival we were greeted by a few more of Maurice’s team called DICE, and his wife Christine who met us with a traditional Kenyan breakfast of Simosa’s and sausages. DICE is the discipleship school we will be working with here in Kenya and we are already working on dance and drama with them as we are sharing the ones we learned in training camp and they are teaching us theirs. DICE was started in 2008 by Maurice and it stands for Discipleship In Context (of) Evangelism
I got to run as I can smell that Amaria Jones and the lunch cook crew are getting Noodle Boodle ready.
- Hank Dahl
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