Jesus Is The GOAT - Ministry In Ireland
Scott Anderson
There is always a first time for everything. Today, I heard something from a child we were ministering to that I’ve never heard before. We will call him Colin (not his real name). Colin is a 9-year-old who we got to meet last summer. He is originally from Scotland and now lives in Northern Ireland. We had the joy of getting to connect with him again this summer.
Today, after Kid’s Club, I saw Colin being typical Colin as he was starting to eat the first page of his Join the Story. Join the Story is the Gospel tract we use to share about the love of Jesus Christ. I asked him why he was eating the paper.

He replied, “I like how paper tastes.”
I then asked him if he had the chance to read his booklet before he started to eat it. He quickly replied with a yes.
“So, what does it say,” I asked him.
He paused and said it was about Jesus.
“What does it say about Jesus,” I asked.
He thought for a moment and replied with the best answer I have ever heard from anyone.
He said, “It says God created the universe, and Jesus is the G.O.A.T.”
What a great answer! I feel like he hit the nail on the head. It rings so true. Jesus IS the Greatest of All Time!!! There has been one one greater, and there never will be. He truly is the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end.
While it doesn’t seem like Colin is following Jesus, I am encouraged that he has been hearing the truth of scripture, and some of it is sticking in his head. Please continue to pray for Colin and his family that they would come to personally know Jesus and put their faith and trust in Him.
This is just one story from our ministry this week. Some of it has been fruitful, and we have been excited to see God work. Other times have been challenging because of rain affecting our schedule. So far, we have been able to help a local church here with their Kid’s Club at the park, meet people in the local mall and strike up conversations about Jesus with them, and prayer walk our way through the streets of Londonderry. Our students have stepped up to the plate, even in the pouring rain, to serve, play games, have conversations, and point others to Jesus.
Our prayer is that we will continue to dialogue with more students like Colin about Jesus and God would use those seeds for His kingdom and glory.
Scott Anderson
Trip Leader for the Ireland Team
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