Nepal Update 7.28.22

Hi Ya Doin,

I apologize that we missed a blog as we have been experiencing technical difficulties but seem to be rocking again. So I will catch you up on what we have been doing in this episode.

We left Kathmandu last week and headed to Chitwan down avery winding downhill trek with a ton of construction thrown in, for the development of patience sake. When we arrived, it was a blistering 102 degrees with all the humidity the law allowed. Although Chitwan can make you feel like an old fat guy in a towel at a steam bath, it is an amazing place to visit. The country has taken it over and considers it a national forest but it is a wonderful jungle where many animals can be found. It is actually the area where the Jungle Book was based off of.

We were able to see Rhino’s, including one that decided to take a casual Sunday afternoon stroll through our hotel grounds. We also were able to do elephant bath’s during which I saw the biggest smile on Payton’s face.Isabel, who is so great at staying constantly on top of where and what her students are involved in, let her hair down and took an elephant ride by herself (then jumped right back into taking care of her group)!

We only took a short break in Chitwan and then we headed to Pokhara (and the uber frustrating highway again) to jump into ministry. Here it has been a joy to see Grace B bloom and really hone in her giftedness to be a leader. Even though she is a student, I see so much leadership potential in herfuture. Also, I have noticed a compassionate heart in several of the students, particularly in Ransom. This coupled with a healthy knowledge of the scriptures and when to use them will serve him well moving forward.

While in Pokhara we usually do two hikes. The first one was violently rained out; such things happen in the rainy season in Nepal. However, the second one to Australia base camp and then onto Dhampus was a blast. Grace C and I were joined by our translator Anup as we walked every painstaking step together and she was so excited to complete it over the two-day trek. The students have settled nicely into ministry here even though the first couple of days have been a challenge. The places we go there are either very few people or the rain has messed with the schedule some, but they are learning,adjusting, and trusting well!

Hank Dahl

Nepal Trip Leader

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