Twinkies on a Keto Cheat Day
Hank Dahl

This summer went faster than a box of Twinkies on a Keto cheat day. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how we were able to get in all we were able to. But with a small team in which each had a great understanding of serving and giving of themselves to the kingdom we were able to serve well and effectively this summer. Our senior staff had such a big role in that with Delaney Kenny, Amaria Jones and Gretchen Sugden being such a big help. Gretchen was fun to serve with as she did her role well with the team finances but also was excellent at connecting with the girls and being the team DJ.
We had just a little bit of ministry opportunities this week as we wrapped up door to door ministry and church services with The Green Pastures Tabernacle Church of Hebron City. Forgive me for failing to mention this in the past, but you can feel free to go to their web-site and see the services and see our team, especially the ones who gave testimonies. I also really enjoyed hearing the pastor there and connecting with on teaching styles but it was when he shared about going out and doing ministry with some students and mentioning serving with Rayne Peterson to me in particular that made me proud of them.
However, they finished well. They really soaked up every drop out of the sponge sharing the gospel and praying for people. Even getting into interesting conversations with people who did not want to receive the gospel and some that were even opposed to it. I shared with them that this is a good thing to prepare them for going home and living a life of serving and sharing their faith. Here in Kenya, just like at Home in North America we encountered many people who would say, “yes I am a Christian.” After further dialogue they had no idea what a believer is as they know of God but seem to not know Him. We find those to be the most unproductive conversations. When someone is honest about not believing or even opposed you have an area to work from in regards to having a conversation or even asking them questions about what they believe in their belief system or about Christ.
Johnathan Stromberg had a particular conversation that was interesting as him and Semih Kose were conversing with a gentleman who was making no sense and told them that he had physically eaten a bible. After not being able to get the guy to leave they just ran interference with the guy so the others could have other conversations. On that same day Kylee Rose Kenny teamed up with my team and we were able to see a few people give their lives to Christ and in one particular conversation we talked to some guys at a construction site as they were pouring concrete. Having been a contractor and concrete finisher myself I enjoy being able to relate to these guys. At first we were not sure that the boss-man was upset with us coming by, but to our surprise he wanted us to share with his workers and pray for blessings on the job.
They last several days we have been going through debriefing to head home. This is a critical phase of our summer as life here in the mission field has become their new normal. They have been waking up in room full of people, having their meals picked for them, schedules set for them, regular quiet times, many opportunities to serve daily, getting up earlier than some are used to, going to sleep later than some are used to, putting in long days, cleaning their rooms (with some needing prodding for some more than others), Cleaned the house (with some needing prodding more than others), Cooking a meal each day for others, sitting in long bumpy bus rides, laying awake listening to barking jackals, listening to teachings, doing laundry by hand, having a set time for their bedtime, having a set wake up time, eating with 15 people each meal, etc. etc. etc. So they are tired, and, life as they know it (in this new normal) is going to change when they get home. Please be patient with them as it will take time for them to adjust to returning home and not having their team around 24/7.
Hank Dahl
Kenya Trip Leader
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