Two Different Environments Nehemiah Team Update

Culture Shock. It’s not usually something that we talk about during the middle of the summer. However, in the last couple days the Nehemiah team has experienced two vastly different environments. 

We are no longer surrounded by the squawks of seagulls but rather serenaded by a quiet chirp. We have exchanged the sound of honking motorcycles for the clopping of an occasional horse pulling a wagon. Our home now contains a refreshing backyard where plants thrive and children play. Everything around us seems to have slowed down but our pace remains steady.

We started our kids camp (about 80 kids) Tuesday morning after arriving late Monday night. Plans have been altered, hurdles have appeared, and yet the students continue to be energetic despite their tiredness. As we continue to iron out the kinks, we are continually encouraged by the people we are ministering to and with.

Not only have we been able to experience authentic home cooked meals each day but we have also been blessed with two amazing translators who are similar in age to our students. They have been able to connect on a personal level while also adding so much practical value to our team as well. These young women have helped to bridge the gap between us and the Moldovans in order to form a unified program. 

Alongside our kids camp, the team will be visiting locals in the village. We completed our first home visit today. The woman, Oksanna, has cancer and her main support at this time is our ministry partner, Pastor Sergiu. Through prayer and song we were able to bless her and show her the love of Jesus. We look forward to more opportunities like this during our time in Moldova.

A complete 360 like this can be a challenge, however, we continue to rise to the occasion. Please keep our team in your prayers as we continue in this transition. Pray for confidence and clarity for our program. Pray for energy for the team. And pray that God opens the hearts and minds of those whom we encounter.

Photo Captions: 

  • Prepping crafts for the program
  • Dinner Time
  • Kids entering camp on the first day
  • Parachute game time
  • Visiting Oksanna

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