Uganda Trip Update: Day 2 in Gulu
Matt Halseth

Day 2 in Gulu.
Christ the Center Ministries.
The last two days of ministry are upon us, so we are going to go big because we are going home... soon. (Haha. Get it?)
After an adjusting night and morning, as we get used to a new place and routine (we are still working out a few kinks!) we are on our way to ministry.
Christ the Center Ministries Vision:
Empowering the Least for a Greater, Christ-Centered Destiny.
To be a place of restoration for the children. Most of the children who will attend this school have had traumatic pasts. Christ the Center will focus on bringing healing to their hearts and minds through the loving care and ministry of the mentors. The mentors will be mature believers who are trained to minister to the children and spiritually impart into their lives by being parental models to them. Create a healthy, Christian atmosphere for children to learn a new way of life that they may have never known before—a life that is governed by Jesus Christ and free from all of the aforementioned destructive patterns.
Be a tool to reach the parents in the community with the gospel.
Serve to help each individual child discover his/her talents and giftings by exposing him/her to a wide range of activities and interests that are not normally in a Ugandan school setting.
Provide a means of education for all children who do not speak Luo or English.
Offer education at an affordable price and provide 2 nutritious meals per day!
Yet again, another fruitful and intentional ministry that we can support and get behind.
Today we were welcomed by songs from a group of all females, how thoughtful to our students being all female! Upon entering their chapel (on the school campus) we began with worship and a time of prayer before introductions!
And in a very bittersweet way, our students preformed their last dances and skits. We can’t believe that only 3 weeks ago we learned these dances and dramas as a way that spreads the joy of the Gospel, and it has come to an end! They ended on such a high and spirited note!! You would be so proud!!
Next our team had the honor of witnessing the Christ the Centre’s performances! Goodness, they are extremely talented at dancing (so acrobatic) and singing! Wow!
We then got to tour the grounds! Through the school rooms, kitchens, and much more. They have a beautiful campus here. A place that feels like home, a place that feels safe for each and every student to come, learn, and walk away impacted!
Our favorite part is the relational part of our ministry. Small groups. Our students paired up and spread out to 8 different classrooms ranging from P5 - S2 (average 6th graders to high-school). Here we did our testimonies, lifestyle talks, ice breakers, and a few games. Not gonna lie, sometimes it’s a bit awkward and sometimes it’s hard not knowing if what we’ve said made any form of impact, but we trust God that His love story with us individually will speak to the hundreds of students we encountered.
Last but not least, the best way to end a day of school with a bunch of Americans, GAMES! And oh boy, games ranging from net ball to duck duck goose, or from volleyball to Chinese dump rope! We love making these memories and these connections and are so excited to return tomorrow for yet another day of relationship building and fun!!
What’s on the docket this evening?
Quiet time.
D-group time.
And two teachings before we head to that lovely bed/mosquito net of ours for a good nights sleep!
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