We at Royal Servants are excited that you signed up for a team this summer!
And while we at Royal Servants may be happy you're going on a mission trip, we know someone who isn't ... that someone being the enemy (you know, Satan). He's going to try to use outside circumstances to cause you to second guess your decision as the summer approaches!
Each year there are always some students who feel God directing them to be on Royal Servants, and then, when they encounter obstacles or barriers, ask, "is the Lord closing the door?" or they wonder, "maybe it's not His will that I go."
You need to be extremely cautious when you start to question God’s leading - for the enemy knows our tendency to throw in the towel when faced with hindrances. That's the very reason the enemy uses them so often … obstacles and barriers are amazingly effective at neutralizing God’s people. And this includes you.
Peter understood this principle. He was so excited at seeing Jesus strolling towards them on the lake one night that, in a fit of enthusiasm, he called out “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you.”
“Yes, come,” Jesus said.
So Peter jumped over the side of the boat and was doing just fine ... until ... “But when Peter saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink” (Matthew 14:30).
Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, focused on the obstacles (the wind and the waves), and then he became scared. Notice the fear and doubt came AFTER Jesus called for Peter to come. And in the end, Jesus rebuked him for his lack of faith. Should obstacles or barriers cause you to question your decision to go on a mission trip this summer? I don’t think so. Rather than seeing "the Lord closing a door," you should look at circumstances like money, safety, and difficulties as an opportunity to exercise your faith! And to trust that when Jesus said “go,” He meant it.
Therefore, we want to encourage you that if you felt going on a mission trip is what the Lord wanted you to do this summer, keep going! Press on! We can't count the number of students who have signed up for a trip even now, just months before the start of the summer, and have been able to raise all of the dollars in time. Of course, you need to bring something to the table; you must provide the hard work and the courage that accompany an adventure like this.
What are some practical things that may help you fight your way through these waves of doubt?
Know why you want to go. Be able to articulate God's leading. Be organized. Send out emails to potential supporters and then CALL THEM! You do your part, and, I fully believe, the Lord will do His.
Important Information
Online Donations
Donors have multiple ways to give towards your Royal Servants Mission Trip. One of the ways is by going to reignministries.org/sponsor-rs, clicking Royal Servants Participants, and finding your name in the list (your name will only be added once you have completed your registration). We HIGHLY recommend that you do NOT use other web platforms like “Go Fund Me” to do your support raising. Websites like these charge per donation and are not tax deductible for your donors. See your Prep Packet booklet for more information about support raising.
Forms Due
In your Prep Packet folder, there is a bright orange sheet called the Reference Sheet. This sheet briefly explains how each form should be filled out and sent in. The reverse side lists important dates when things are due. I suggest that you add all those things to your calendar, take a picture of the sheet with your phone, and then stick the sheet on the fridge. Each form has its due date listed to the side. Most forms are due May 15th, but some, like the Health History Form, Medical Permissions Form and Passport Copy, will be due sooner. To get copies of any of the forms, you can download them from the Forms Page on our website.
Managed Missions
Managedmissions.com is the website you will use to track your support. This is not an automated process, so there will be a few days’ delay between when we receive a donation and when it appears in your account. The invite to this website was sent to the main email you gave us on your registration (check your spam folder if you didn't see it). Let me know if you need that resent or if you'd like the email changed. Please don't use this site to make changes to your personal information as it does not alert us to those changes. Please email those changes to us instead.
If you haven’t submitted your registration, don’t worry, you still have time! Go hit submit today!
If you have any questions about Royal Servants or the registration process, please email me at lmacdonell@reignministries.org.