
Annika Warren
The following post is a part of our PreSummer Letters, a series designed to encourage and equip you for your Royal Servants Mission Trip. This is 
Letter 10
of 13.

How do you become more connected to yourself and the people around you by disconnecting? It sounds pretty confusing when it’s put like that. You’re telling me that by disengaging with the thing that connects me to the most people, I’ll become more connected?

By now you’ve probably realized that you’re committing to some pretty intense things this summer. One of the things that I think can be the hardest and scariest to commit to is to give your phone up for the summer. It seems nonsensical and unsafe.


Why would I miss out on all the new and exciting things that are coming out this summer? Why would I give up being able to quickly communicate with my friends and family? Why would I give up the ease that a phone gives me?

Those are all questions that I wrestle with when it comes time for me to take a break from my phone. They’re valid questions and the answers don’t always make sense to me at the time.

It’s embarrassing to admit, but my phone is a security blanket. I feel lost when I don’t have my phone, and not in the geographical sense. With my phone, every unknown becomes known. I can ask it a question, whether it’s what my friends are up to, or whether pterodactyls had teeth (they did), and I get the answer as fast as my WiFi will allow. I’ve also realized that I feel less lonely when I scroll through my friend’s feeds.

If my phone helps me to feel less scared and lonely, why would I ever give it up? The truth is that my phone doesn’t satisfy my longings for security and community. I feel far more secure and far less alone when I am fully present with myself, my friends and family, and with God. In order to do that, I have to get off my phone and BE. Be with the One who knows me better than anyone else. Be with the people that God has placed into my life.

This summer, we want you to connect in a way that you haven’t before. So, we’re asking you to leave the phone behind and live in the moment. The more I do it, the more of a privilege it has become to leave my fears and worries at the feet of Jesus and trust that He will provide the security and community I long for. So far, He hasn’t failed me yet.

Important Information


The forms that we sent you in your Prep Packet were due May 15th. Make sure to look through the material you were sent to be sure you don’t miss a thing, especially the Reference Sheet. Be sure to read through the forms and instructions carefully, and pay special attention to what forms we can take copies of and which we HAVE to have the original document. If documents are filled out incorrectly, we may need to send them back to you to be redone. If you have any questions about any of the forms, please contact us and we will be happy to help!

Travel Health Insurace Reminder

Royal Servants provides travel health insurance for each participant as part of the cost of the mission trip. If you would like to upgrade your policy, simply contact Bursch Travel, and they will assist you with that. Contact information is listed on the Travel Health Insurance Form that you received in the mail and in an email. Upgrades must be requested at least 28 days prior to leaving home for travel to Training Camp.

Packing Tips

Second hand stores are a great way to find things for this summer and save money. Don’t have clothes you’re willing to trash at Training Camp? Get some inexpensive items from a thrift store instead of purchasing something new. Who knows what treasures you might find off of your packing list. Make sure you read the Trip Specific pages of the Packing List – there may be addendums to the general packing list based on your specific team.

Medical Information

Let’s talk medication! You will need to bring medication with you this summer, so please refer to the packing list for the over-the-counter medication (OTC) we recommend. Review the “General Medication Requirements” on the Medical Information Sheet to help you prepare for bringing and packing your medication this summer.We take all allergies seriously, including those that lead to dietary restrictions. Check out “Allergies and Dietary Restrictions” on the Medical Information Sheet for more information! If you have any specific questions or concerns, please contact Stacey Swanson at sswanson@reignministries.org.

TIP: If your registration has been accepted, be sure to read through all of the materials sent to you. There is some pretty important info in that packet - make sure you don’t miss a thing!

If you have any questions about Royal Servants or the registration process, please email us at lmacdonell@reignministries.org.