Have you ever sold Girl Scout Cookies? Or maybe candy bars for your little league team? Do you remember why you did it? What was your motivation? Many of us have been through this process when we were younger, and I suspect the primary reason (other than that our program required it) was because we had skin in the game. We knew that the profits from those sweet treats were going to pay for our baseball uniforms or benefit our scout troop. We had something to gain if we got out there, and something to lose if we didn’t.
You may be squirming at the mere thought of raising financial support for your mission trip. That’s pretty normal, so how do you overcome that discomfort? Consider this: What will you gain if you get out there and ask? What will you lose if you don’t? A transformative summer serving God and others is well worth your initial discomfort of asking people to support you and is a much more worthy investment for them than cookies and baseball uniforms.
So - how do you begin?
1. Trust God
Do you believe that God has called you to serve others on a mission trip this summer? Do you really believe it? Because if you do, you also must believe that He will provide the finances to make it possible. Don’t let fear of failure stop you before you even get started! Trust God to provide what you need.
2. Be Bold
God will always provide what we need, but that does not exempt us from our part: asking. Did you know that Nehemiah asked his employer, the king of Persia, to support his mission to rebuild Jerusalem? King Artaxerxes agreed and provided letters of safe passage for Nehemiah as well as timber with which to rebuild. The King was just as important to that mission as Nehemiah. The same will be true of your supporters.
3. Work Hard
Leave no stone unturned when raising your support. Don’t merely send a letter into the void and wait or hope for money to magically appear. Ask in person when possible, and clearly articulate why you are passionate about serving God on this mission trip. That will communicate greatly how serious you are about this mission. Ask friends, family, neighbors, and complete strangers to partner with you to bring the Gospel to wherever you’re going this summer.
4. Be Humble
The relationship between you and those who may support you should be one of partnership. You have the ability to go but lack the funds, while they may have the resources but lack the opportunity to go. You are no more vital or important to this mission than your supporters. Be humble and remember that serving God is not about us but about the Gospel.
I want you to know that as a full-time Reign Ministries staff, I also have to raise financial support … for my monthly income! Everything I’ve written here I have had to learn along the way. Even after doing this for several years, I still get nervous sometimes asking people for financial support - typically when I lose sight of why I’m doing it. You and I are inviting potential supporters to do ministry alongside us through prayer and funding and then are leaving their decision in God’s hands. But we must still be diligent to make that invitation!
Feel free at any time over the next few months to reach out to your Royal Servants Trip Leader to ask for encouragement as you raise support for your trip. We would love to talk and pray with you through this process!
Important Information
Biographical Questionnaire - Mandatory Step for Registration
If you have submitted your registration and received your Prep Packet, the final piece to your registration is completing your Biographical Questionnaire. We use this information to get to know you a little before the summer and help place you in your small groups. I know you have many things keeping you busy, so we appreciate you completing this mandatory part of the process. If you've had your Prep Packet for any length of time, please make completing this step a priority.
Packing Tips
You've received your Prep Packet, and the Packing List is probably one of the first things you looked for. Make sure to also look through any of the Trip Specific items. Now is a great time to start a box of items that you'll need for the summer, purchasing a few items at a time, that way it won't seem so overwhelming when June comes. If you have questions about the packing list, send an email to the Trip Leader listed in the front of your Prep Packet booklet. They are willing and able to help!
Forms Due
In your Prep Packet folder, there is a bright orange sheet called the Reference Sheet. This sheet briefly explains how each form should be filled out and sent in. Also, on the reverse side it lists important dates when things are due. I suggest that you add all those things to your calendar, take a picture of it with your phone, and stick on the fridge. Each form has its due date listed on the side. Most forms are due May 15th, but some, like the Health History Form, Medical Permissions Form and Passport Copy, will be due sooner. To get copies of any of the forms, you can download them from the Forms Page our website.
TIP: If your registration has been accepted, be sure to read through all of the materials sent to you. There is some pretty important info in that packet - make sure you don’t miss a thing!
If you haven't submitted your registration, don't worry, you still have time! Go hit submit today!
If you have any questions about Royal Servants or the registration process, please email us at lmacdonell@reignministries.org.